CRITERIA4MOMENTARYBCI evaluates the output of momentary self-paced BCI [K1,K2,K3] = criteria4momentarybci(TO,Fs,TRIG,ERW) Input: TO transducer output: 0 is no control state, i>0 is i-th control state Fs sampleing rate TRIG trigger information - its a vector in case of a single IC state othewise TRIG{K} are the triggers for the K-th IC state ERW expected response window in seconds, default=[-0.5,+0.5] output: K1 result the rule-based (heuristic) approach [1] K2 results of the sample-by-sample approach K3 result by Fatourechi's Method K1.HF hf-difference K{123}.kappa Cohen's kappa coefficient K{123}.H Confusion matrix References: [1] Jane E. Huggins, Michael T. McCann, … Comparison of Evaluation Metrics for an ECoG-based Momentary BCI. [2] M Fatourechi, R K Ward, and G E Birch A self-paced brain–computer interface system with a low false positive rate J. Neural Eng. 5: 9–23, 2008.