CRITERIA4ASYNCBCI provides an evaluation criterion of asychronous BCI. based on the discussion at the BCI2005 meeting in Rensellearville. X = CRITERIA4ASYNCBCI(D, TRIG, ONTIME, Fs) X = CRITERIA4ASYNCBCI(D, STATE, [], Fs) D detector output can be continuous; D should contain as many traces (columns) states. [ max(STATES) < size(D,2) ] if all values are lower than the Threshold=0, the no-control (NC) state is assumed. If D is discrete, it must contain only one column, but no AUC can estimated. TRIG list of trigger events in seconds if TRIG is a cell-array of a list of trigger times, TRIG{n} contains the list of trigger times for state n. The number of detector traces (columns) must be 1+number of states. ONTIME on-time [in seconds] of event-driven discrete control Fs sampling rate (default = 1Hz) STATE "true" state X.H confusion matrix X.AUC area-under-the-curve. X = CRITERIA4ASYNCBCI(D, TRIG, ONTIME, Fs) TRIG and ONTIME are used to construct the STATE X.TPR True Positive Ratio X.FPR False Positive Ratio / False alarm rate X = CRITERIA4ASYNCBCI(D, STATE, [], Fs) D State of detector output (discrete values, D=0 indicates no-control state) STATE Target state