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function [O] = fdr(Input,n1,samp,varargin)


 The function FDR performs different multiple test procedures for 
 controlling the false discovery rate (FDR). 
 function [O] = fdr(Input,n1,samp) returns the number of rejected hypotheses,
 the rank (O(:,1)), the indices of the rejected hypotheses (O(:,2)), the adjusted p-values
 (O(:,3)) and the unadjusted p-values (O(:,4)) for the procedure of Benjamini
 and Yekutieli (1995) with the significance level alpha=0.05.


These input arguments are required:
 Input: data matrix with the size [n,k]               
 n1:    number of patients in group one (0 < n1 <= n ), 
    restricted by the kind of samp
 samp: kind of sample         
           single sample       'single' (n1 = n)
           paired sample       'paired' (n1 = n/2; n must be even)
           independent sample  'indept' (n1 < n)

   [...] = fdr(...,'PARAM1',VAL1,'PARAM2',VAL2,...) specifies additional
   parameters and their values.  Valid parameters are the following:
    Parameter        Value

     'test'         Value for single sample
                      'ttest'               to compute the t-Test
                                           assumption : normal(gaussian) distribution   
                     'wilcox'              to compute the Wilcoxen signed rank test
                                           assumption : symmetrical distribution
                     'sign' (the default)  to compute the sign-test 
                                           assumption : none  
                    Value for paired sample
                     'ttest'                to compute the t-Test
                                            assumption : normal(gaussian) distribution
                     'wilcox'               to compute the Wilcoxen signed rank test
                                            assumption : symmetrical distribution
                     'sign' (the default)   to compute the sign-test
                                            assumption : none  
                    Value for independent sample
                     'ttest'                to compute the t-Test
                                            assumption : normal(gaussian) distribution 
                     'wilcox' (the default) to compute the Wilcoxen rank test (Wilcoxen-Man-Whitney-Test)
                                            assumption : none

      'tail'       The alternative hypothesis against which to compute
                   p-values for testing the hypothesis of no differences.
                   Choices are:

               tail         Alternative Hypothesis            
        '~=' (the default) "there is a significant difference" (two-sided test)
               '>'                "the values of group 1 are higher than the values of group 2" (one-sided test)
               '<'                "the values of group 1 are smaller than the values of group 2" (one-sided test)    

      'proc'        'BH' (the default)     chooses the procedure of Benjamini and Hochberg (1995)
                    'BL'                   chooses the procedure of Benjamini and Liu (2001)
                    'BKY'                  chooses the procedure of Benjamini, Krieger and Yekutieli (2001)
      'alpha'       0.05 (the default)    significance level
                     for a other value: 0<alpha<=0.2


 [O] = fdr(Input,n1,samp) returns the rank (O(:,1)), 
 the indices of the rejected hypotheses (O(:,2)), 
 the adjusted p-values (O(:,3)) and the unadjusted p-values (O(:,4)).



  [1] Hemmelmann C, Horn M, Suesse T, Vollandt R, Weiss S.
    New concepts of multiple tests and their use for evaluating high-dimensional EEG data.
    J Neurosci Methods. 2005 Mar 30;142(2):209-17.
  [2] Hemmelmann C, Horn M, Reiterer S, Schack B, Suesse T, Weiss S.
    Multivariate tests for the evaluation of high-dimensional EEG data.
    J Neurosci Methods. 2004 Oct 15;139(1):111-20. 

 Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Claudia Hemmelmann <claudia.hemmelmann@mti.uni-jena.de>
 Adapted by A Schloegl <a.schloegl@ieee.org> 2006,2007 

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 Version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 Library General Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 License along with this library; if not, write to the
 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.



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