OAHE detectes obstructive Apnea/Hypopnea event [Y,EVENT] = OAHE(X,Fs) [Y,EVENT] = OAHE(filename,CHAN) INPUT: X respiratory channel Fs sampleing rate filename source filename CHAN respiratory channels for calculating OAHE OUTPUT: Y detection trace EVENT event structure as used in BIOSIG The following commands store the events in an EVENT-file, which can be visualized with SVIEWER HDR.FileName = 'filename.evt'; HDR.EVENT = EVENT; HDR.TYPE = 'EVENT' HDR=sopen(HDR,'w'); HDR=sclose(HDR); see also: SVIEWER, SLOAD REFERENCES: [1] AASM Task Force. Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders in Adults: Recommendations for Syndrome Definition, and Measurement Techniques in Clinical Research. Sleep, 22(5), 1999. [2] Meoli AL, Casey KR, Clark RW, Coleman JA Jr, Fayle RW, Troell RJ, Iber C; Clinical Practice Review Committee. Hypopnea in Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Adults. Sleep. 2001 Jun 15;24(4):469-70. [3] Penzel T., Brandenburg U., Fischer J., Jobert M., Kurella B., Mayer G., Nioewerth H.J., Peter J.H., Pollm�her T., Sch�er T., Steinberg R., Trowitzsch E., Warmuth R., Wee�H.-G., W�k C., Zulley J., Empfehlungen zur computerunterst�zen Aufzeichnung und Auswertung von Polygraphien. Somnologie, 2, 42-48, 1998. [4] Ross SD, Sheinhait IA, Harrison KJ, Kvasz M, Connelly JE, Shea SA, Allen IE. Systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature regarding the diagnosis of sleep apnea. Sleep. 2000 Jun 15;23(4):519-32. [5] Schafer T. Methodik der Atmungsmessung im Schlaf: Kapneographie zur Beurteilung der Ventilation. Biomed Tech (Berl). 2003 Jun; 48(6):170-5. [6] Thurnheer R, Xie X, Bloch KE. Accuracy of nasal cannula pressure recordings for assessment of ventilation during sleep. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2001 Nov 15;164(10 Pt 1):1914-9. [7] Whitney CW, Gottlieb DJ, Redline S, Norman RG, Dodge RR, Shahar E, Surovec S, Nieto FJ. Reliability of scoring respiratory disturbance indices and sleep staging. Sleep. 1998 Nov 1;21(7):749-57. [8] Schl�l A, Kemp B, Penzel T, Kunz D, Himanen SL, Varri A, Dorffner G, Pfurtscheller G. Quality control of polysomnographic sleep data by histogram and entropy analysis. Clin Neurophysiol. 1999 Dec;110(12):2165-70.