BANDPOWER calculation log10bp = bandpower(X, Fs, bands, smoothing, mode) INPUT: X raw data, one channel per column Fs sampling rate bands each row has two elements indicating the lower and upper frequency default value is [10,12;16,24] indicating two bands of 10-12 and 16-24 Hz. smoothing length of smoothing window in seconds. The default value is 1 [s] mode mode == 1 uses FIR filter, mode == 2 uses butterworth IIR filter the default value is 1 OUTPUT: log10bp is log10(bandpower) of X. the order of the features is [f1(#1), f1(#2),...,f1(#n), f2(#1),...,f2(#n),...,fm(#1),...,fm(#n)] First, the first frequency band of all channels, is followed by the the second band of all channels, until the last last f-band of all channels