TRIGG cuts continous sequence into segments. Missing values (in case s is to short) are substituted by NaN's. [X,sz] = trigg(s, TRIG, PRE, PST [, GAP]) INPUT: S is the continous data sequence (1 channel per column) TRIG defines the trigger points PRE offset of the start of each segment (relative to trigger) PST offset of the end of each segment (relative to trigger) GAP number of NaN's to separate trials (default=0) TRIG, pre, post and gap are counted in samples OUTPUT: X is a matrix of size [sz(1), sz(2)*sz(3)] sz [size(s,2), post-pre+1+gap, length(TRIG)] sz(1) is the number of channels NS sz(2) is the number of samples per trial sz(3) is the number of trials i.e. length(TRIG) X3D = reshape(X,sz) returns a 3-dimensional matrix X2D = reshape(X(K,:),sz(2:3)) returns channel K in a 2-dimensional matrix see also: GETTRIGGER