Demos of the BIOSIG-toolbox; DEMO1 % QRS-Detection DEMO2 % Estimate and validate BCI classifier DEMO3 % Demonstrates how to generate an EDF/GDF/BDF file DEMO4 % Demonstrates how to generate an BKR file DEMO5 % Demonstrates how to generate an WAV file DEMO6 % lumped circuit model DEMO7 % Multivariate autoregressive parameters DEMO8 % overflow detection based on [1] DEMO9 % AAR-based HRV analysis REFERENCES: [1] A. Schlögl, B. Kemp, T. Penzel, D. Kunz, S.-L. Himanen,A. Värri, G. Dorffner, G. Pfurtscheller. Quality Control of polysomnographic Sleep Data by Histogram and Entropy Analysis. Clin. Neurophysiol. 1999, Dec; 110(12): 2165 - 2170.