BIOSIG toolbox contains many useful functions for biomedical signal processing Copyright (C) 2003,2004,2007,2008 by Alois Schloegl <> WWW: $Id: Contents.m,v 1.8 2008/01/23 22:04:41 schloegl Exp $ This is part of the BIOSIG-toolbox LICENSE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA === INDEX BIOSIG === BIOSIG/DOC: Documentation --------------------------------------------- header.txt specification of header (Dokumentation) eventcodes.txt Codes for Events, Markers, Annotations as used in GDF and BioSig DecimalFactors.txt units.csv codes for phyiscal dimensions BIOSIG/demo: [demo's, examples] --------------------------------------------- demo1 QRS-detection demo2 estimates and validates BCI classifier demo3 demonstrates how the generate an EDF/GDF/BDF file demo4 Demonstrates how the generate an BKR file demo5 Demonstrates how the generate an WAV file demo6 transfer functions of lumped circuit model demo7 simulations for MVAR estimates scptest tests loading routine of SCP-ECG data bench_biosig benchmark test based on BioSig4OctMat T100: [Data Acquistion] --------------------------------------------- BIOSIG/T200: Data Formats --------------------------------------------- SOPEN opens biosig data and reads header information SREAD reads biosig data SCLOSE closes biosig file SWRITE writes biosig data (currently only BKR, EDF, BDF implemented) SSEEK set file positon indicator STELL returns file position indicator SEOF checks for end-of-file SREWIND sets file pointer to the start SLOAD Opens, reads all data and closes file Biosig files. TLOAD triggered loading of data and some utility functions BIOSIG/T250: Quality Control and Artifact Processing --------------------------------------------- ARTIFACT_SELECTION converts artifact scorings into trial selections EEG2HIST calculates histogram GETTRIGGER gets trigger points TRIGG extract fixed-length trials around trigger points DETECT_MUSCLE detection of muscle artefacts using an inverse filter REGRESS_EOG reduce EOG artifacts with regression analysis REMOVE5060HZ methods for removing line interference BIOSIG/T300: Signal Processing and Feature extraction --------------------------------------------- general: processing general framework for blockwise-dataprocessing EEG: BARLOW Barlow parameters HJORTH Hjorth parameters WACKERMANN Wackermann parameters EVOKED_POTENTIAL EP estimation TFMVAR time-frequency multivariate autoregressive modelling LUMPED Lumped Circuit model for the EEG alpha rhythm EMG: PAYNTER Paynter filter for Amplitude demodulation of EMG ECG: QRSDETECT QRS-Detection methods BERGER resampling of HRV data HEARTRATEVARIABILITY estimates various HRV parameters QRScorr correctiong of QRS-detection ECTBcorr correction of Ectopic beat effect TVAAR Time-varying AAR estimation BIOSIG/T310: Wavelet and Fourier Analysis, --------------------------------------------- ERD/ERS PLV HRV BIOSIG/T400: Classification, Single Trial Analysis --------------------------------------------- DECOVM decomposes an "extended" covariance matrix TRAIN_SC estimates classifier from labelled data TEST_SC applies classifier to test data FINDCLASSIFIER obtains classifier includeding performance test. XVAL cross-validation procedure BIOSIG/T450: Statistical analysis, False Discovery Rate (FDR) ------------------------------------------------------------- FDR false discovery rate several utility functions BIOSIG/T490: Evaluation criteria --------------------------------------------- AUC area under the curve ROC receiver-operator-characteristics MUTINFO mutual information QCMAHAL quality check of multiple discriminator KAPPA kappa statistics BCI3EVAL Evaluation of BCI results (triggered output) BCI4EVAL Evaluation of BCI results (continous output) CRITERIA2005IIIb calculates maximum steepness of mutual information BIOSIG/T500: Presentation, Output --------------------------------------------- PLOTA general plot functions for various data structures SVIEW simple signal viewer ELPOS 2-D electrode positions ELPOS3 3-D electrode positions BIOSIG/T510: Visualization II --------------------------------------------- various functions to display results of T310 BIOSIG/T501: Visualization of EEG Cooupling --------------------------------------------- PLOT_COUPLING displays EEG coupling BIOSIG/T600: Interactive Viewer and Scoring --------------------------------------------- SVIEWER Interactive Viewer and Scoring VIEWEDF EDF-Viewer TSA: Time Series Analysis --------------------------------------------- NaN: Statistical Toolbox for data with missing Samples ---------------------------------------------