NANTEST checks several mathematical operations and a few
This is a script file.
This function calls:
- geomean GEOMEAN calculates the geomentric mean of data elements.
- harmmean HARMMEAN calculates the harmonic mean of data elements.
- mod MOD(x,y) calculates Modules Y from X
- nanstd NANSTD same as STD but ignores NaN's.
- nansum NANSUM same as SUM but ignores NaN's.
- normcdf NORMCDF returns normal cumulative distribtion function
- norminv NORMINV returns inverse cumulative function of the normal distribution
- normpdf NORMPDF returns normal probability density
- quantile QUANTILE calculates the quantiles of histograms and sample arrays.
- rem REM calculates remainder of X / Y
- sumskipnan SUMSKIPNAN adds all non-NaN values.
- tcdf TCDF returns student cumulative distribtion function
- tinv TINV returns inverse cumulative function of the student distribution
- tpdf TPDF returns student probability density
This function is called by:
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