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% error: b = fir1(n, w [, type] [, window] [, noscale])


function b = fir1(n, w, varargin)


% error: b = fir1(n, w [, type] [, window] [, noscale])
% Produce an order n FIR filter with the given frequency cutoff,
% returning the n+1 filter coefficients in b.  
% n: order of the filter (1 less than the length of the filter)
% w: band edges
%    strictly increasing vector in range [0, 1]
%    singleton for highpass or lowpass, vector pair for bandpass or
%    bandstop, or vector for alternating pass/stop filter.
% type: choose between pass and stop bands
%    'high' for highpass filter, cutoff at w
%    'stop' for bandstop filter, edges at w = [lo, hi]
%    'DC-0' for bandstop as first band of multiband filter
%    'DC-1' for bandpass as first band of multiband filter
% window: smoothing window
%    defaults to hamming(n+1) row vector
%    returned filter is the same shape as the smoothing window
% noscale: choose whether to normalize or not
%    'scale': set the magnitude of the center of the first passband to 1
%    'noscale': don't normalize
% To apply the filter, use the return vector b:
%       y=filter(b,1,x);
% Examples:
%   freqz(fir1(40,0.3));
%   freqz(fir1(15,[0.2, 0.5], 'stop'));  % note the zero-crossing at 0.1
%   freqz(fir1(15,[0.2, 0.5], 'stop', 'noscale'));


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