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% Get signal names from a system


function [stname, inname, outname, yd] = sysgetsignals (sys, sigid, signum, strflg)


% -*- texinfo -*-
% @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{stname}, @var{inname}, @var{outname}, @var{yd}] =} sysgetsignals (@var{sys})
% @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{siglist} =} sysgetsignals (@var{sys}, @var{sigid})
% @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{signame} =} sysgetsignals (@var{sys}, @var{sigid}, @var{signum}, @var{strflg})
% Get signal names from a system
% @strong{Inputs}
% @table @var
% @item sys
% system data structure for the state space system
% @item sigid
% signal id.  String.  Must be one of
% @table @code
% @item 'in'
% input signals
% @item 'out'
% output signals
% @item 'st'
% stage signals
% @item 'yd'
% value of logical vector @var{yd}
% @end table
% @item signum
% index(indices) or name(s) or signals; see @code{sysidx}
% @item strflg
% flag to return a string instead of a cell array;  Values:
% @table @code
% @item 0
% (default) return a cell array (even if signum specifies an individual signal)
% @item 1
% return a string.  Exits with an error if signum does not specify an 
% individual signal.
% @end table
% @end table
% @strong{Outputs}
% @table @bullet
% @item If @var{sigid} is not specified:
% @table @var
% @item stname
% @itemx inname
% @itemx outname
% signal names (cell array of strings);  names of states,
% inputs, and outputs, respectively.
% @item yd
% binary vector; @var{yd}(@var{ii}) is nonzero if output @var{ii} is
% discrete.
% @end table
% @item If @var{sigid} is specified but @var{signum} is not specified:
% @table @code
% @item sigid='in'
% @var{siglist} is set to the cell array of input names.
% @item sigid='out'
% @var{siglist} is set to the cell array of output names.
% @item sigid='st'
% @var{siglist} is set to the cell array of state names.
% stage signals
% @item sigid='yd'
% @var{siglist} is set to logical vector indicating discrete outputs;
% @var{siglist}(@var{ii}) = 0 indicates that output @var{ii} is continuous
% (unsampled), otherwise it is discrete.
% @end table
% @item If the first three input arguments are specified:
% @var{signame} is a cell array of the specified signal names (@var{sigid} is 
% @code{'in'}, @code{'out'}, or @code{'st'}), or else the logical flag
% indicating whether output(s) @var{signum} is(are) discrete (@var{sigval}=1)
% or continuous (@var{sigval}=0).
% @end table
% @strong{Examples} (From @code{sysrepdemo})
% @example
% octave> sys=ss(rand(4),rand(4,2),rand(3,4));
% octave>% get all signal names
% octave> [Ast,Ain,Aout,Ayd] = sysgetsignals(sys)
% Ast =
% (
%   [1] = x_1
%   [2] = x_2
%   [3] = x_3
%   [4] = x_4
% )
% Ain =
% (
%   [1] = u_1
%   [2] = u_2
% )
% Aout =
% (
%   [1] = y_1
%   [2] = y_2
%   [3] = y_3
% )
% Ayd =
%   0  0  0
% octave> % get only input signal names:
% octave> Ain = sysgetsignals(sys,'in')
% Ain =
% (
%   [1] = u_1
%   [2] = u_2
% )
% octave> % get name of output 2 (in cell array):
% octave> Aout = sysgetsignals(sys,'out',2)
% Aout =
% (
%   [1] = y_2
% )
% octave> % get name of output 2 (as string):
% octave> Aout = sysgetsignals(sys,'out',2,1)
% Aout = y_2
% @end example
% @end deftypefn


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